
Personal debt management is a key financial skill that allows consumers all over the world to achieve long-term, 短期甚至每日的财务目标.

然而, personal debts can easily become challenging to manage throughout the borrower’s lifetime. 失去工作, the growth of a family and high-interest rates are all contributors to the heavy burden that debt can place on both budgets and bank accounts.

以减少他们的风险和降低他们的每月成本, many consumers have turned to the process of debt consolidation in recent years.


Debt consolidation is the process of combining certain types of personal debt into a single monthly bill with a low-interest rate. 

This is normally done by taking out a loan that is used to pay down or eliminate your current debts. 然而,这并不意味着你的债务一去不复返了. 你的合并贷款将有一个期限, 主要, and interest payments that are expected to be paid off within a certain period.

Debt consolidation programs exist for many unique types of debt, including:

  • 学生贷款
  • 信用卡
  • 医疗费用
  • 发薪日贷款

Several other types of debt can be consolidated through loans, programs and debt relief solutions. It is important to familiarize yourself with the options available to you through your location, 公司福利或个人财务状况.

Reduced payments and convenient monthly bills make this method of debt repayment one of the simplest processes to both start and finish. 然而, consumers should be aware that there is a significant difference between the function of debt consolidation versus the actions of a debt settlement.

What Is The Difference Between Debt Settlement and 债务合并?

与普遍的看法相反, debt consolidation does not use the same processes as debt settlement cases. 事实上,两者之间存在显著差异.

  • Debt consolidation is the process of combining all debts into a single, lower payment. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, debt settlement is a legal process used to settle outstanding debts with high balances that the borrower cannot repay.
  • Settlements are often initiated through specific companies or specialized industries that have training in negotiating lump sum payments for lenders. 另一方面, debt consolidation is often performed through your local credit union or lending agency.
  • Debt settlements are lengthy, taking two to three years on average to finalize. Debt consolidation is a straightforward task that requires a much shorter amount of time to approve and complete.

While both debt settlement and debt consolidation programs serve as a pathway to financial freedom, 与之相关的风险和挑战各不相同.


When used correctly, debt consolidation assists borrowers in several ways. 适当的债务合并可以:

  • 大幅降低你的债务利率
  • 加快还款流程
  • 提高或巩固你的信用评分
  • 降低你的原始债务金额(在某些情况下)
  • 允许个人财富增长和繁荣

除了财务, debt consolidation can be an excellent boost to the mental and emotional state of borrowers as well. Knowing that your financial future is secure and not at risk due to high-interest rates or unmanageable monthly bills is a great way to regain your grip on personal debts of all types.

然而, debt consolidation is not a process that is right for everyone.


If used incorrectly or prematurely, debt consolidation can prove to be far more harmful than helpful.

There are three primary factors to consider before beginning the process of consolidating personal debts.

1. 过去的

知道你需要偿还多少债务. Debts that account for over 40% of your gross income are often incompatible with consolidations due to the resulting high-interest rates. 抵押贷款不应包括在这一计算中.

2. 现在

After all other factors, consider the amount of debt you currently owe. This number can be determined by calculating your debts with their current interest rates. Be aware that consolidating all debts under a single interest rate may not necessarily give you a lower total than what you already owe.

3. 未来

如果你打算合并个人债务, you most likely have a vision of what your future will look like. Planning to take on more debt after or during consolidation could pose huge financial risks and dramatically affect your credit scores.


The question of whether or not you should consolidate your debt requires careful planning and thought before reaching an answer. While there is no golden formula or algorithm that can calculate success, borrowers should weigh each of the following factors before coming to a conclusion of their own.

  • 你的债务够多吗? Do your total debts (minus any mortgages) account for less than 你总收入的40%?
  • 你能保证低一点吗? Are you aware of or looking into a program that will offer you interest rates that are lower than what you already owe?
  • 你准备好改变生活方式了吗? Can you affirm that your household will not take on additional debts similar to these in the future?

如果以上问题你都能回答“是”,’ the process of debt consolidation is more than likely right for you.

了解什么是债务合并 & 决定它是否适合你

决定合并债务有很多因素, 尤其是在考虑其他个人理财策略时. 借ers are advised to be cautious while making your decision and talk to one of the credit union’s financial representatives or advisors.

如果操作正确, the process of debt consolidation can be one of the most rewarding and enriching financial decisions a borrower will ever make.


